Pinhole Camera- Part 2 (Assignment 2)

 Day 2:

For my second day of work, I got more serious about taking images for assignment 2. I found that I had the most success working inside. It snowed the morning of this day so it was very very bright outside, I couldn't move my finger fast enough!

Not long enough!!

A little over exposed, so bright out with the snow.

I tried a few more images with my experimental camera, again, it's so so bright outside.

I spent quite a bit of time working toward a self-portrait, and I experimented with timing and posing. A few of the images turned out pretty well. I had a few images come out with weird markings, perhaps a problem with the paper. (On another day I scanned and inverted the images, included here).

Self-portrait work.
Experiment with duration, walking in circles in front of the camera. The bright blur in the centre is my movement. I hoped it would show up more clearly. 
